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Database Tutorials

This LibGuide contains step by step instructions for majority of research databases available in the Wolfgram collection.

Basic Search Screen

You may enter a keyword in the large header search box

For more powerful searching, choose the Advanced Search link

Search screen shot with tools and links annotated

Advanced Search Screen

Uniquely, Gale Literature lets you search for Person-By or About, as well as including traditional filters

Screen shot of Advanced search screen with callouts of custom fields, search boxes, and filters

Results List

There are extensive connections between Gale's original Literature Criticism, Biography, Overviews, and other sources. Filters and limiters help to refine your search.

Screen shot of Gale Literature search results with callouts for filters, full text, article type, and topic finder


Topic Finder

Viewing your results in topic finder helps to visualize the breadth of subjects included in your search

Topic Finder screenshot with annotation

Article Full Text

Full text is generally in HTML format, and multiple tools are available:

Gale Literature full text article screenshot with callouts for links to author's other works, file management and citation tools, as well as suggested articles and topics