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Database Tutorials

This LibGuide contains step by step instructions for majority of research databases available in the Wolfgram collection.

CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)

About this Database

CINAHL provides indexing of the top nursing and allied health literature available including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. 

This database covers a wide range of topics including:

  • Nursing
  • Biomedicine
  • Health sciences librarianship
  • Alternative/complementary medicine
  • Consumer health
  • Allied health disciplines

In addition, CINAHL provides access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, audiovisuals, and book chapters.

CINAHL Search Strategies

The basic search strategy for CINAHL is best for researchers looking at a topic for the first time.  It also takes less time and planning than advanced searching.  Often, for assignments that require 5 or fewer sources, this search strategy is sufficient.  if you aren't finding results using this method, I advise trying the advanced strategy.

Step 1: Pick your search terms

Before you begin searching, think about the terms you want to use.  Take a moment to brainstorm any potential synonyms for your search terms.  Is there a more technical term used by people in the field?  Are there brand name or generic options?  Is there a word that may have been used in the past but is now considered outdated?  Write or type these terms before moving to step 2.

Step 2: Enter your search terms

This three-bar search interface probably looks familiar if you have used databases in the past.  This is where you enter your search terms.  Use the blue "Search" button to get your results list.

CINAHL User Interface


Step 3: Filter your results

This is an important step.  Your assignments often have publication date limits and require peer-reviewed academic journal articles.  The filters can be found under the search bar at the top of the results list.  The most commonly used filters have their own buttons, but you can access all filters using the "All Filters" button.

CINAHL Results User Interface


The advanced search strategy is best for researchers who are more familiar with their topic or who haven't found the results they needed using the basic search strategy.  This is the preferred search method for post-graduate researchers or researchers working on review or analysis assignments.

Step 1: Pick your search terms

Before you begin searching, think about the terms you want to use.  Take a moment to brainstorm any potential synonyms for your search terms.  Is there a more technical term used by people in the field?  Are there brand name or generic options?  Is there a word that may have been used in the past but is now considered outdated?  Write or type these terms before moving to step 2.

Step 2: Use the CINAHL Headings

Databases are built like social media platforms.  They use hashtags to group items that relate to the same topic.  In databases, we call these tags "Subject Headings."  CINAHL gives users the ability to search through their hashtags to find the ones that connect all of the papers on your topic of interest.  We access this information by using the "CINAHL Headings" link below the advanced search interface.

CINAHL Subject Headings Location

Step 3: Selecting your subject headings

Use the search terms that you brainstormed in step 1 to begin your search.  Enter the terms one at a time to find CINAHL's preferred subject heading, then select the tick box next to your preferred term and add it to your search using the "Add to search" button.

CINAHL Headings UI

Step 4: Filter your results

This is an important step.  Your assignments often have publication date limits and require peer-reviewed academic journal articles.  The filters can be found under the search bar at the top of the results list.  The most commonly used filters have their own buttons, but you can access all filters using the "All Filters" button.

CINAHL Results User Interface

Accessing Results

Once you have a results list, you will need to access the articles you want to review.  Access options are available through the "Access options" button under each result on your results list or at the top of the page for the record.  If there's only one option to access the article, the button will read "Access now," but if there are more than one option, you will see the "Access options" button with drop-down menu that reveals your options.

Access options button with drop down menu