PsycTESTS serves as a repository for the full text (when available) of psychological tests and measures as well as a source of structured information about tests of relevance to the following subjects:
PsycTESTS covers the years 1910 to the present. Each record includes data on the scope of the test, test implementation, a high-level overview of the test’s development, and reliability and validity data (when available).
NOTE: Additional information on commercially available tests including population, cost, reliability, validity, etc. can be found in the Mental Measurements Yearbook Database.
Wolfgram Memorial Library Homepage ► A to Z Database List ► PsycTESTS
From the Advanced search page, you can search by keyword or the title of the test. From this page, there are also numerous helpful filters. These include the following: Test Type, Administration Method, Commercially Available, Gender, Language, Population Group, APA PsycTests Classification, Test Methodology, Age Group, Fee, Instrument Type, Permissions, and Supporting Documentation.
From the Results Page, you can further filter your search by Full-text, Peer-Reviewed, Date, Subject, Publication, Publisher, Language, and Age.
The Results List also provides the basic information for each test including:
On the right you will also find a list of Tools. This includes: