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Database Tutorials

This LibGuide contains step by step instructions for majority of research databases available in the Wolfgram collection.



About this Database

Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet, compiled, edited, and delivered by the American Mathmatical Society, is the authoritative gateway to the scholarly literature of mathematics. MathSciNet contains information on over 3.6 million articles and books, with direct links to almost 2.3 million articles in over 650 journals.  MathSciNet includes expert reviews, personalizable author profiles, and citation information on articles, books, journals, and authors.

MathSciNet’s extensive resources can help you both in your graduate research and throughout your math career. Use it to:

  • Quickly get up to speed on a new topic
  • Look up a researcher’s body of work (and find his/her Erdo ̋s number!)
  • Find an article or book and track its reference list
  • Research a math department to prepare for a job interview

*NOTE: Be sure to access the MathSciNet Database from the A - Z Database List to ensure you have access to the materials available with our subscription.

Navigate to the MathSciNet Database

Library Home Page A to Z Database ListMathSciNet

Remote access to the MathSciNet Database from Off-Campus

Just 3 clicks away! an example of the remote access icon and connection clock

Remote access allows you to access MathSciNet from off campus, through our Library subscription. Once you pair your device (instructions below), the connection lasts for 90 days, after which you can renew your connection as long as your library account is valid. In order to begin remote access, your device must be connected to Wideners Wireless Network from an on campus location.

Click One: Open a browser and go to the pair my device page.

Click Two: Confirm your device meets requirements by clicking Yes, continue

Pairing requires your device has:

  1. Enough local storage available (free space)
  2. Has cookies enabled
  3. Has JavaScript enabled

Click Three: Next you will be asked to 'agree to terms' by clicking Accept

After successfully connecting your device, when you logon to the MathSciNet database (from a laptop or iPad, smaller mobile devices will not show this icon) you will see the Remote Access Icon along with the countdown clock. This will notify you when your 90 days are up, at which point you will need to repeat the steps above to pair the device again.

then you can pair a mobile device, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, with the campus account.  The pairing lasts for 90 days at a time and can be renewed so long as you remain affiliated with the subscribing institution.  In most cases, it takes three clicks.   Here is how to do it.

Bring the laptop or mobile device on campus and connect to the internet via the campus network (either wi-fi or hard-wired).   Open a browser and go to the “pair my device” page:

then you can pair a mobile device, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, with the campus account.  The pairing lasts for 90 days at a time and can be renewed so long as you remain affiliated with the subscribing institution.  In most cases, it takes three clicks.   Here is how to do it.

Bring the laptop or mobile device on campus and connect to the internet via the campus network (either wi-fi or hard-wired).   Open a browser and go to the “pair my device” page:

then you can pair a mobile device, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, with the campus account.  The pairing lasts for 90 days at a time and can be renewed so long as you remain affiliated with the subscribing institution.  In most cases, it takes three clicks.   Here is how to do it.

Bring the laptop or mobile device on campus and connect to the internet via the campus network (either wi-fi or hard-wired).   Open a browser and go to the “pair my device” page:

then you can pair a mobile device, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, with the campus account.  The pairing lasts for 90 days at a time and can be renewed so long as you remain affiliated with the subscribing institution.  In most cases, it takes three clicks.   Here is how to do it.

Bring the laptop or mobile device on campus and connect to the internet via the campus network (either wi-fi or hard-wired).   Open a browser and go to the “pair my device” page:

then you can pair a mobile device, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, with the campus account.  The pairing lasts for 90 days at a time and can be renewed so long as you remain affiliated with the subscribing institution.  In most cases, it takes three clicks.   Here is how to do it.

Bring the laptop or mobile device on campus and connect to the internet via the campus network (either wi-fi or hard-wired).   Open a browser and go to the “pair my device” page:

then you can pair a mobile device, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, with the campus account.  The pairing lasts for 90 days at a time and can be renewed so long as you remain affiliated with the subscribing institution.  In most cases, it takes three clicks.   Here is how to do it.

Bring the laptop or mobile device on campus and connect to the internet via the campus network (either wi-fi or hard-wired).   Open a browser and go to the “pair my device” page:

Browse Subject Area

Using Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) Codes.

  • Click on Free Tools tab
  • Select Subject Classification from the drop down or search for a classification by Keyword
  • Conduct your Search

Use the codes in tandem with your search terms to narrow your search.

MathSciNet Free Tools Screen

  • The search result page will show you a list of top-level MSCs and, underneath, secondary-level MSCs, which are like subtopics.
  • Click on the list logo next to the number to see a list of publications in that area.

Mat Subject Classifications Level 1 and Level 2

Search for Books or Articles

MathSciNet uses a fielded search. You can use one field or any combination of up to four fields on the Publications tab search. The pull-down menus give you access to additional fields and Boolean operators

Basic Keyword Search

  1. From the Publications tab
  2. Select Anywhere from the search terms dropdown
  3. Enter your Keywords (To search for a phrase, put the words into quotation marks).
  4. Conduct your Search

In the following example we are searching using the keywords, "Gromov-Witten theory".

Image of

You will see your search terms highlighted in the results list

Look up an Author

  • Click on the Authors tab
  • Enter the Authors Name or the MR Author ID number if available.
    • When searching by name, type the last name first, followed by the first name initial only to get results for an author's work that may have been published using different variations of the first name (i.e. Smith, Robert or Smith, Rob or Smith, R.H.)
    • Replacing the first name (or following the first name initial) with an asterisk *, enables you to find materials when you are unsure of the spelling
  • Conduct your Search 

In the following example we are looking for materials authored by mathematician, Ravi Vakil. 

  1. From the Authors tab, search Vakil, R*
  2. Resulted retrieved two profiles, click the name to access profile:
    • Vakil, Ravi
      (Note that Ravi Vakil has published under the name Vakil, Ravi and as Vakil, R.)
    • Vakil, Roozbeh
  3. From Ravi Vakil's profile, click the Publications link to view the list of 47 publications he has written.

Image of step 1: selecting the authors tab and typing author name. Step 2: displays search results. Step 3: image of selected author profile highlight the publications link