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Database Tutorials

This LibGuide contains step by step instructions for majority of research databases available in the Wolfgram collection.

Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.

Types of Sources include:

  • Federal and State Cases
  • Federal and State Legislation
  • Articles from Regional, National and International Newspapers and Sources
  • Articles from Law Reviews and Journals
  • Company Profiles

Navigate to the Nexis Uni Database

Library Home Page A to Z Database ListNexis Uni


Basic Search

Basic Search Screen

  • The Basic Search Screen opens to a News Search, but you can click on the upper navigation bar to get specialized search screens for searching for Legal information, Companies and additional content.
  • This search uses the phrase "artificial intelligence" and workplace. Note: Always put phrases in quotation marks
  • Select Search


Nexis Uni Search Page with Companies and Legal in red boxes and the search terms "artificial intelligence" and workplace


Brief Results


  • The brief results screen offers the results, showing excepts with the search terms in bold and higlighted
  • On the left navigation, there are many ways to limit the search including:
    • Search within Results: Add another term or phrase to narrow your results
    • Source Name: Select a source from the drop down to see all results from this one source.
  • Click on the title of the article to obtain the full text
  • Click on Preview to read a summary which will indicate is the article meets your research needs.


Results screen with red box highlighting limiters and a red box highlighting the title of the article


Detailed Record

  • This record provides all the citation information under the title
  • You can read the full article off of the screen or click on the Download button on the upper left side and you will get options to download as a PDF or other formats.
  • Notice that the search terms are highlighted in the article title.

Detailed record for Navigating Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace with a red circle around the download symbol

Legal Searche


  • By Selecting Legal at the top of the Basic Search Screen, you get more guided search options for a wide variety of legal documents.
  • Click on any of the options below the box and you will obtain guided search screens to obtain the following legal documents, including:

    • Cases- All available Federal and State case law. Includes U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal District Courts and State case law for all 50 States plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and other U.S. territories. 
    • Statues and Legislation - Statutory codes, municipal codes, constitutions, court rules, court rulemaking orders, treaties, model acts, pending and enacted legislative enactments, legislative history information. Includes Federal/Congressional, 50 states, the District of Columbia and select content for Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
    • Law Reviews & Journals - All available scholarly publications, usually edited by law students in conjunction with faculty members. They contain both lengthy articles and shorter essays by professors and lawyers, as well as comments, notes, or developments in the law written by students.
  • Use Keywords, Phrases. Party Names, Legislation Titles, etc. to conduct a general search:

Ex: Enter the party names for a landmark Supreme Court case  -- Lawrence V. Texas

Legal search screen with the case Lawrence v. Texas in the search box


Brief Results

Two results from the search for the case Lawrence v. Texas

  • Click on the title of the article to obtain the full text
  • Click on Preview to read a summary which will indicate is the article meets your research needs.
  • View the many times that the search terms are highlighted.
  • Notice the brief overview in the first result summaries the case and decision well.
    • Overview: A decision upholding a Texas statute that made it a crime for two persons of the same sex to engage in certain intimate sexual conduct was overruled because petitioners were entitled to respect for their private lives.


Fall Case Document 


  • Click on the title --  Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 to obtain the full case document. This includes the hyperlinked statues fof related legislation and previous cases that you can obtain from this database.  
  • You can read the full case off of the screen or click on the Download button on the upper left side and you will get options to download as a PDF or other formats.
  • Full case document for Lawrence V. Texas with a circle around the Download icon


Ex: LGBT and Rights

  • Select Cases and then Federal Cases and the enter the search terms "LGBT and Rights."
  • Then click on Search.


The Guided seach screen with a red boxes highlighting Cases and Federal cases. A red box also surronds the Search in all Cases for and the box underneath includes LGBT and Rights


  • Then select Timeline


Results showing three cases with a red box highlighting the words describing the types of courts and dates and a red box highlighting the Timeline of 2000 - 2022.

  • The search produced over 700 cases with these keywords.
  • Again, the brief record for each case shows the court where the case was decided and the date, an Overview and some text with the search terms highlighted.
  • When you click Timeline it opens the timeline display, which shows that there were federal court cases based on these terms from 2000 - 2022. This range can be adjusted.
  • When you change the terms slightly, you will also obtain a different timeline.
  • Ex: By searching for LGBTQ and Rights you obtain over 400 cases that range from 2008 - 2022.

Nexis Uni provides useful coverage about legislation from a variety of general and legal news sources.

  • Still using Guided Search, select News and then enter the terms "Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019" (Always use quotation marks cor a title of legislation.
  • Then select search.

Guided Search with red boxes around the word News and in Search the News for the legislation "Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019"

  • Then select Publication Type.


Results from news serch for legislation with a red box highlightinf the Publication Type.

Features of the Brief Record:

  • The brief record for each news article provides information about the article and some text with the search terms highlighted.
  • When you select publication type, you see the variety of print and web pased sources that include article about this legislation, including:
  • The search produced 903 results published in a variety of print and web media publication types, including:
    • Newswires and Press Releases
    • Statistics
    • Web Based Publications
    • Blogs
    • Newspapers
    • More
  • Click on one of these publication types to narrow further. Ex: Limiting to Newspapers results in 32 articles from news sources across the country.


  • Click on the preview link for #1 -Key NO on the Bipartisan Act of 2019 to obtain a snapshot of this article's full document without leaving the search:

Preview of the artilce Key NO vote on the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019

Features of the Preview:

The preview provides the most important information about this article including the date of publication and source.

Full Case Document:

  • Click on the title of #1 -Key NO on the Bipartisan Act of 2019 to obtain the full article.  The Case Document also offers options for downloading, printing and sharing.


  • Still using Guided Search, select Company Info and then enter the Company Amazon. In the ..and show me box, click on the drop-down menu and select All company Information.
  • Then select search.

Guided search box with red square around Company Info, Search in all company Information for Amazon and in the ...and show me box the term All company information is selected

  • Then select Category



Results for Amazon search, with red boxes highlighteing the category of each article and the a red box around the category limit option

  • The search produced over 10,000 results, which makes sense for this large multinational company.  This number demonstrates the breath of company information available in this database for this company.
  • The three results show articles presenting company profiles from December 1, 2022 and September 15, 2020 and SEC Filings from September 29, 2009,
  • When you click on Category, you can limit to:
    • Company Profiles
    • SEC Filings
    • Mergers and Acquisitions
    • Analyst Reports
  • Narrow by clicking on the various options in the Narrow by boxes on the left side and adding more terms in the Search Within Results box.