ACS eBooks Education Collection is a special collection of 101 ebook titles that will help science educators plan their curriculum, setup experiments, construct engaging demonstrations, evaluate performance, and ensure their efforts serve diverse genders, abilities/disabilities, and cultures.
Browse eBooks
On the home page, you will see the list of 101 titles for viewing. Once you find a title you are interested in, click on the title to open the ebook.
- The top section shows the cover of the ebook and the basic bibliography information, including the authors/editors, volume number, publication date, ISBN, and DOI.
- The first section includes the Title, Copyright, Forward, and Preface. There are several options to view the sections directly from this page. You can select "First Page" to view the section through the web page. Select "Full Text" to view the text and select "PDF" to download the PDF version.
- Below the introductory pages are separate sections containing the chapter information. Each section contains the chapter title(s), authors, page numbers, DOI and publication date.
- Each chapter has an abstract that can be viewed by selecting the "Abstract" link or selecting the arrow which will display the absract on the page. You can view the chapter by selecting "Full Text" to open up the web version of the text, or by selecting "PDF," to download the pdf version.
Chapter Section
When viewing a chapter, there are many additional features.
- The first section contains the title, author(s), DOI, publication date, ebook title, and page numbers. You can also download the PDF version of the chapter.
- You can Share this chapter in various ways. Click the Share icon and select one of the various options, including social media, LinkedIn, Reddit and/or email. Select the Export icon for options to download the RIS citation file. This file can be uploaded to RefWorks to build out your Reference Page.
- Each chapter section has an abstract.
- Below the abstract, the chapter text begins. There is the option to jump to a section of the chapter. click on the Chapter Sections drop-down and select the section.
- To the right of the chapter text, there are two section. The first is a section that will display any charts, figures, or images from within the chapter. The second section is the reference list. Within the text, the citations are linked. You can click on the link and it will take you to the reference citation. Each citation has a link to the work for optional reading.