Library Home Page ► A to Z Database List ► Choose between Ebook Academic Collection and EBSCO eBook Collection
NOTE: There are several EBSCO eBook collections that all function similarly.
Once you have performed your search, you get a list of results best matching your search criteria. Clicking on the title of one of the eBooks in your results list takes you to the detailed record for that item
The detailed record displays the following:
Once you select to view the PDF you will be directed to a page that has the eBook. The left hand navigation will have the individual chapters you can download. There is a cap on how much you can download at one time. Note: you can not download the entire eBook at once unless you have an EBSCO account.
Attention Mac Users: You will need to install a PDF Browser Plug-in in order to use the EBook Viewer. The plug-in can be found on the following website: