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Widener University Sexuality Archives

The website of the Widener University Sexuality Archives


The Widener University Sexuality Archives was a happy accident. In 2007 Molly Wolf received a donation of sexuality related materials from Drs. William and Judith Seifer. Among the books and videos that would be added to the Wolfgram Library's regular Circulating collection were other items, such as, personal papers and pamphlets, that were outside of the scope of the Library's collection development policy but that were too interesting to discard. Molly Wolf held on to these items until they began to take over her office. As she surveyed the growing collection of materials, Molly realized that she had an archive of sexuality related materials... and the Widener University Sexuality Archive was born.

Donations continued to roll in from Dr. William Stayton, the Sexuality Information and Education Counsel of the United States (SIECUS), the American Association of Sex Counselors, Educators and Therapists (AASECT), Dr. Eric Garrison, and others. The collection began to grow, and in 2009 the Sexuality Archives found a home in the office of the former Lindsay Law Library on the fourth floor of the Library. The organization of the collection continued, and in November 2011, the Widener University Sexuality Archives had its grand opening during the first annual Sex in the Library Week festivities.

Visits to the Sexuality Archives are currently by appointment; however, collection highlights, new acquisitions, and other exciting Sexuality Archives updates can be found on the Sexuality Archives' Web site.

For Additional Information:

For questions, additional infromation regarding any of the policies, or to make an appointment to visit the Sexuality Archives, please contact the Sexuality Archives at 610-499-4504 or