offers four ways to search our video library other than the general search tool: has been producing training videos for therapists since 1995. Unlike almost every other profession, students rarely have the chance to view their mentors or teachers practicing psychotherapy. The opportunity to view real sessions, and to hear leading experts discuss the thoughts behind their interventions is invaluable. Videos also capture the critical non-verbal aspects of therapy, including body language, facial expression, tone of voice, and the rhythm of the therapist-client interaction.
Once you select a video from our video library it opens the video's page in the database. This page consists of the video information, a viewing screen with video controls, a searchable transcript (in blue), and a side menu (in red). This particular video has a manual associated with the content and that can be accessed in a new browser window by clicking the green button under the side menu.
This feature is one of the most powerful tools in the database. The full transcript of each video can be viewed, downloaded, and printed using the buttons on the top right of the viewing window beneath the player. The transcript can also be searched by keyword using the search bar on the top left of the viewing window. You can scroll through the transcript and click on the intended dialogue to jump to that time in the video.
There are three options for the side menu on the video page