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Clinical Psychology

This guide provides quick access to the best resources at WU for conducting research related to clinical psychology research



Basic Research Steps

Research databases are tools for finding the articles you need. They do the following:

  • Index the journal articles of a specific subject area
  • Allow for searching by keywords and, in the sciences and clinical fields, by formal subject terms (controlled vocabulary)
  • Allow for combining terms using logical operators to get more relevant results offer ways to limit to further customize results
  • Link to a copy of the identified e-journal article or provide information on obtaining a copy
  • Give output options including printing, emailing, downloading, or "exporting" results (to RefWorks for example)

The Research Process:

  • Identify and Develop your Topic - Use books, journal articles and websites from your discipline to find interesting and relevant concepts that you want to explore further. Talk to professors to discover current issues and new research in your field. Consider the multiple perspectives on your topic.
  • Search the Library Classic Catalog to Find Books and other Resources on Your Topic  - Use the Catalog to find books on your topic that are available in the library. You can also search for journal titles, ebooks, videos, DVDs and CDs that the library owns.
  • Search Online Subscription Databases to Find Journal Articles and Other Scholarly Materials on your Topic  - Use Wolfgram Library Databases to find scholarly articles, ebooks, book chapters, streaming videos, and more about your topic. You can also obtain access to dissertations and Newspaper Articles from the databases. Browse the A to Z Database list to find the best database for your topic.
  • Find and Evaluate Internet Resources on Your Topic - If you use the internet to find useful, authoritative web resources on your topic,  make sure to evaluate each site that you find to ensure that the information in reliable and valid.
  • Cite Your Sources - Create accurate and complete citations for each resource used in a research paper by using the citation style required by your professor.

Click on The Research Process for more help!