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Widener University Faculty Authors 2021 - 2022

Delaware Law School

John Culhane, J.D. 

John Culhane• Culhane, J. (2022, April 30). Defamation’s 15 minutes of defame. Slate.  

• Culhane, J. (2021, July 23). Fox News could be sued if its anti-vax statements caused people to die. Slate.  

Erin Daly, J.D.

Photo of Erin Daly• May, J., & Daly, E. (2021). Dignity under law: A global handbook for civil society. Dignity Rights International.

• May, J. R., & Daly, E. (2022). Introduction to Dignity Law. Journal of Disaster Research, 17(3), 301–307.  

• McClain, S. N., Bruch, C., Daly, E., May, J., Hamada, Y., Maekawa, M., Shiiba, N., Nakayama, M., & Tsiokanou, G. (2022). Migration with Dignity: A Legal and Policy Framework. Journal of Disaster Research, 17(3), 292–300.  

Stephen E. Friedman, J.D.

Stephen Friedman• Friedman, S. E. (2022). Mail-in voting and the Pennsylvania constitution. Duquesne Law Review, 60(1), 1-33.  

Alan Garfield, J.D.

Alan Garfield• Garfield, A. (2021, July 1). Balancing the need to educate and the American right to free speech is never easy, here's why. The News Journal.  

• Garfield, A. (2021, September 17). Are 'We the People' failing the United States? The News Journal.  

• Garfield, A. (2021, November 12). Abortions, guns and judicial power in a democracy: What's at stake at SCOTUS. The News Journal. 

Romie Griesmer, J.D.

Romie Griesmer• Griesmer, R. (2021). Inside-out: Bringing law students face-to-face with injustice. University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class, 21(1), 23-48.  

Bruce Grohsgal, J.D.

Photo of Bruce Grohsgal• Grohsgal, B. (2021). The long strange trip to a certainty of hopelessness: The legislative and political history of the nondischarge of student loans in bankruptcy. American Bankruptcy Law Journal, 95(3), 443-500.  

• Grohsgal, B. (2022). How student borrowers lost the promise of a fresh start. ABI Journal, 41(1), 58–84.   

James R. May

Photo of James May• May, J., & Daly, E. (2021). Dignity under law: A global handbook for civil society. Dignity Rights International.

• May, J. R., & Daly, E. (2022). Introduction to Dignity Law. Journal of Disaster Research, 17(3), 301–307. 

• McClain, S. N., Bruch, C., Daly, E., May, J., Hamada, Y., Maekawa, M., Shiiba, N., Nakayama, M., & Tsiokanou, G. (2022). Migration with Dignity: A Legal and Policy Framework. Journal of Disaster Research, 17(3), 292–300.

N.E. Millar, J.D.

J.D. Millar• Millar, N.E. (2021). Integrating digital wellness into online legal education. In T. L. Dysart & T. Norton (Eds.), Law teaching strategies for a new era: Beyond the physical classroom (pp. 63-70). Carolina Academic Press. 

Luke Scheur, J.D.

Luke Scheur• Scheuer, L. (2022). Digitizing Delaware’s data advantage. Widener Law Review, 28(1), 29-64.