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This guide provides quick access to the best resources for conducting engineering research.

Scholarly vs. Trade vs. Top Scholarly Journals

What are the Differences between Scholarly, Trade and Popular Engineering Articles and Why Would You Want To Know?

Depending on the purpose of your engineering research, you will want to use different types of journals and magazines. Below are the four major types of publications that will (or at least sometimes will) contain information about engineering.

Scholarly Engineering Journals are used for serious academic research. They are highly technical, usually report on the results of scholarly research, and most often have a lot of data and tables.

Trade Publications are written to inform a reader about the latest developments in a particular area of Engineering. Their audience is professionals in the field and students.  They are written in a language that is easier to understand than scholarly articles, and have lots of photos and advertising.

Popular Science Magazines are intended to inform interested general readers about recent science topics and scientific research.

Popular General Interest Magazines are intended to entertain, and although they sometimes include articles about science, such articles are easy to read and have few technical terms.

For a description of the kinds of articles each type contains, see the table below.

Criteria for Comparing Different Types of Engineering Journals & Magazines

Characteristics Scholarly Journals Trade Magazines Popular Science Magazines Popular (General Interest) Magazines
Cover Scholarly journal cover image Trade magazine cover image popular schience magazine cover popular general interest magazine cover image

Sober, serious, lots of data and tables

Glossy, lots of photos, technical in nature, technical ads

Glossy, lots of photos and ads (science related)

Glossy, lots of ads and often photos of celebrities
Audience Researchers, students Professionals in the field, students General audience interested in science topics General audience wanting to be entertained

Sharing results of scholarly research

Informing about the latest developments in a profession

Informing in accessible language about recent scientific topics and research

Entertaining the general public
Documentation Provides list of scholarly sources at end of article Sometimes provides sources Sometimes provides sources Usually does not provides sources
Language Highly technical, lots of jargon Somewhat technical, but accessible Somewhat technical, but fairly easy to read Easy to read, few technical terms
Article Characteristics Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References Industry news, product reviews, job advertisements Hot topics in science: evolution, earthquakes, dinosaurs, etc. Gossip, current events, hot topics

Journal of Mechanical Design

International Materials Reviews

Mechanical Engineering

Automotive Engineering

Scientific American

Popular Mechanics


Rolling Stone

Cited Reference Searching

What is cited reference searching?

Cited references are the articles, books or other materials listed in a bibliography or as works cited in a particular publication. Because citation databases index each reference, it is possible to search these cited references. One can follow a particular cited reference, or cited author, forward in time to find more current articles that have also cited that author or work.

Why use cited reference searching?

  • To locate current research based on earlier research
  • To find out how often and where a publication is being cited
  • To find out who is citing a particular paper
  • To find out how a particular research topic is being used to support other research
  • To track the history of a researcher or a research idea
  • To determine how well your own published research is cited for promotion/tenure considerations

How do I find resources that allow for cited reference searching?

Go to A-Z Database List, select Indexed from the All Database Types dropdown, see example .