It is important that you examine the bibliographic info produced with Zotero for accuracy, double check:
Make any needed adjustments prior to using these items to create in-text citations/footnotes or when building reference lists.
Individual citations for books, journal articles,
Folder(s) that house your items.
Bibliographic information such as, item type, author, title, source URL, notes, tags, etc.
Exporting the article citation details from a database is simple. Once you have conducting your search and found an article you need, follow the steps below:
Open Zotero.
6. Select File, Import.
7. Click Next.
This will import the article information into Zotero. You can then move it to a different folder and/or make any edits.
5. Open Zotero.
6. Select File, Import.
7. Click Next.
This will import the article information into Zotero. You can then move it to a different folder and/or make any edits.
Adding citations from online resources (databases/websites) is the most efficient way to build your zotero library. Zotero will automatically detect when you are searching in most databases or other online resources and provide an address bar icon to easily add citations to your Zotero library. If an icon does not appear in your address bar for some reason, you can generally use the database's export function to export the citation as an RIS.
Zotero Browser Icon Examples:
If the metadata does not import automatically, you can add the information manually: