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Widener University Faculty Authors 2020 - 2021

Commonwealth Law School

Michal Buchhandler-Raphael

Photo of Amanda Sholtis• Buchhandler-Raphael, M. (2020). Compassionate homicide. Washington University Law Review, 98(1), 189-256.

• Buchhandler‐Raphael, M. (2021). Book review. [Review of the book Sexual citizens: Sex, power, and assault on campus, by J. S. Hirsch & S. Khan]. Law & Society Review, 55(2), 360–363.

John C. Dernbach

Photo of John Dernbach

• Dernbach, J. C., (2020). Natural resources and the public estate. In K. Gormley & J. G. McNally (Eds.), The Pennsylvania Constitution, George T. Bisel Company, Incorporated.

• Dernbach, J. C., & Gerrard, M. B., (2020). Federal legislative and administrative framework. In J. Sachs, America’s Zero Carbon Action Plan. Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

• Dernbach, J. C. (2020). Thinking anew about the environmental rights amendment: An analysis of recent commonwealth court decisions. Widener Commonwealth Law Review, 30(1), 147-200.

• Dernbach, J. C. (2020). The role of trust law principles in defining public trust duties for natural resources. University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, 54(1), 77-146.

• Dernbach, J. C., Russell, I., Bogoshian, M. (2021). Advocating for the future. The Environmental Forum, 38(2), 25-31.

• Dernbach, J. C., Pipa, T., Wilson, A., Bouman, J., Babineaux-Fontenot, C., Malone-Smolla, C., Phelan, A., Dorosin, M., Boudreaux, K., Adler, R., Outka, U., Warner, E., Herzenberg, S., Markolf, S., Chester, M., Torres, G., Rosenbloom, J., Paddock, L., Gerrard, M. B., Telesetsky, A. M., Snape, W., Brown, K., & Nelson, J. (2021). Making America a better place for all: Sustainable development recommendations for the Biden administration. Environmental Law Reporter, 51(4), 10310-10332.

• Dernbach, J. C., Singleton, R. V., Wharton, C. S., Wasson, C. J., & Ruhtenberg, J. M. (2021). A practical guide to legal writing and legal method (7th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Michael R. Dimino

Photo of Michael Dimino

• Dimino, M. R., Smith, B. A., & Solimine, M. E. (2020). Voting rights and election law: Cases, explanatory notes, and problems (3rd ed.). Carolina Academic Press.

• Mazo, E. D., & Dimino, M. R. (Eds.). (2020). The best candidate: Presidential nomination in polarized times. Cambridge University Press.

Jill E. Family

Photo of Jill E. Family

• Family, J. E. (2020). Rescue based in liberty and dignity. [Review of The Law of Rescue, 108 Cal. L. Rev. 619 (2020) by S. B. Ray]. JOTWELL, 1-2.

• Family, J. E. (2021). An invisible border wall and the dangers of internal agency control. Lewis & Clark Law Review, 25(1), 71-146.


Anna P. Hemingway

Photo of Anna P. Hemingway• Hemingway, A. P. (2020). Intentionally and systematically integrating diversity discussions and lessons in the law school classroom during race-conscious era. Rutgers University Law Review, 73(1), 33-82.

Christian A. Johnson

Photo of Christian A. Johnson

• Johnson, C. A. (2021). Sovereign immunity in repo and derivative documentation. Futures & Derivatives Law Report, 41(4), 1-8.

• Johnson, C. A., & Brunson, S. D. (2021). A modest proposal for reviving the employee home office expense deduction. Tax Notes Federal, 171(1), 41-48.


Randy Lee

Photo of Randy Lee

• Lee, R. (2020). Reflections on Jewish and American disability law and on the God who makes all things good. Touro Law Review, 36(1), 149-164.

• Lee, R. (2021). Encountering Jonah with Jewish eyes and finding justice in the belly of whale. Touro Law Review, 36(4), 1053-1066.

Juliet M. Moringiello

Photo of Juliet Moringiello• Moringiello, J. M. (2020). Dispossessing resident voice: Municipal receiverships and the public trust. University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, 53(4), 733-754.

Christopher J. Robinette

Photo of Christopher Robinette

• Robinette, C. J., & Costa, S. N. (2021). Incorporating an actual malice exception to section 230 of the communications decency act. Southwestern Law Review, 49(3), 462-477.

• Robinette, C. J. (2021). Harmonizing wrongs and compensation. Maryland Law Review, 80(2), 343-379.