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Widener University Faculty Authors 2020 - 2021

Delaware Law School

Erin Daly, J.D.

Photo of Erin Daly• Daly, E. (2020). Dignity by any other name. Tulsa Law Review, 55(2), 197-202.  

• Daly, E. & May, J.R. (2021) Can the U.S. Constitution encompass a right to a stable climate? (Yes, it can). UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, 39(1), 39-64.  

• Daly, E. & May, J. R. (2021). De nouveaux droits et principes pour l'environnement. In Droit constitutionnel de l'environnement. Mare & Martin.

• Daly, E. & May, J. R. (2021). Émergence et régression de la notion de démocratie environnementale aux etats-unis. In Droit constitutionnel de l'environnement. Mare & Martin.

• Daly, E. & May, J. R. (2021). The Indivisibility of human dignity and sustainability, In The Cambridge handbook of environmental justice and sustainable development. Cambridge University Press. 

•  Daly, E. & May, J. R. (2021). L'exemple de la doctrine du public trust aux etats-unis. In Droit constitutionnel de l'environnement. Mare & Martin.

Bruce Grohsgal, J.D.

Photo of Bruce Grohsgal• Grohsgal, B. (2020). The argument for federal rule of decision for bankruptcy court's recharacterization of claim as equity. American Bankruptcy Law Journal, 94(4), 681-728.  

• Grohsgal, B. (2020). Can student loans be discharged in bankruptcy? Mississippi Law Journal, 90(1), 35-100.  

James R. May

Photo of James May• Daly, E. & May, J. R. (2021) Can the U.S. Constitution encompass a right to a stable climate? (Yes, it can), UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, 39(1), 39-64. 

• Daly, E. & May, J. R. (2021). De nouveaux droits et principes pour l'environnement. In Droit constitutionnel de l'environnement. Mare & Martin.

• Daly, E. & May, J. R. (2021). Émergence et régression de la notion de démocratie environnementale aux etats-unis. In Droit constitutionnel de l'environnement. Mare & Martin.

• Daly, E. & May, J. R. (2021). The Indivisibility of human dignity and sustainability, In The Cambridge handbook of environmental justice and sustainable development. Cambridge University Press. 

•  Daly, E. & May, J. R. (2021). L'exemple de la doctrine du public trust aux etats-unis. In Droit constitutionnel de l'environnement. Mare & Martin.

• Kuh, K. & May, J. R. (2021). Special committee on ethics in the profession report. In Environment, energy, and resources law: the year in review 2020. ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources. 

• May, J. R. (2020). Environmental rights and wrongs: Implementing environmental constitutionalism. In I. Nguyen Duy, et al., (Eds.) Uten sammenligning: festskrift til Eivind Smith 70 år. Fagbokforlaget

Paul Regan, J. D. 

Photo of Paul Regan            • Hamermesh, L. A., & Regan, P. L. (2020). Purpose, populism and markets in Delaware corporate law: A conversation with professor Lawrence Hamermesh. Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, 44(2-3), 223-248.  

Judith L. Ritter, J.D.

Photo of Judith Ritter             • Ritter, J. L. (2021) Making a case for no case: Judicial oversight of prosecutorial choices--from in re Michael Flynn to progressive prosecutors, Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law, 26(1), 31-70.  

Geeta Tewari, J.D., M.F.A.

Photo of Geeta Tewari• Tewari, G. & Davidson, N. M., (Eds.). (2020). Global perspectives in urban law: The legal power of cities. Routledge. 

Aleksandra "Ola" M. Tucker, JD, CAMS

Tucker, O. M. (2020). Understanding the risks and challenges of shell companies in managing AML compliance. Journal of Financial Compliance, 3(4), 340-358.