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Widener University Faculty Authors 2019 - 2020

Biomedical Engineering

Sachin P. Patil, PhD.

Photo of Sachin Patil• Patil, S. P., Diflumeri, J., & Fattakhova, E. (2019). 105P - Discovery of bioactive small molecule inhibitors of human PD1-PDL1 interaction. Annals of Oncology. 30(11), xi39-xi40. DOI: DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdz451.014

•Patil, S., Hofer, J., Ballester, P. J., Fattakhova, E., DiFlumeri, J., Campbell, A., & Oravic, M. (2020). Drug repurposing for Covid-19: Discover of potential small-molecule inhibitors of Spike Protein-ACE2 Receptor interaction through virtual screening and consensus scoring. ChemRxiv. preprint. Consensus_Scoring/12482435/1 


Anita Singh, PhD

Photo of Anita Singh• Singh, A., Ferry, D., & Balasubramanian, S. (2020). Using virtual reality in biomedical engineering education. Journal of Biomedical Engineering. (in press) DOI: 10.1115/1.4048005

• Singh, A. Magee, R., & Balasubramanian, S. (2020). Mechanical properties of cervical spinal cord neonatal piglet: In vitro. Neurology and Neurobiology. DOI: 10.31487/j.NNB.2020.02.08

• Singh, A., Magee, R., Balasubramanian, S.. (2019).  Methods for In Vivo Biomechanical Testing on Brachial Plexus in Neonatal Piglets. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (154), e59860, doi:10.3791/59860 

• Singh, A. (2019) Available computational and physical models to understand the mechanisms of neonatal brachial plexus injury during shoulder dystocia. Open Access Journal of  Neurology and Neurosurgery, 9(4), 555768. DOI: 10.19080/OAJNN.2019.09.555768 

• Singh, A., Ferry, D., & Balasubramanian, S. (2019) Efficacy of clinical simulation based training  in biomedical engineering education. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 141(12).  DOI: 10.1115/1.4045343

Chemical Engineering

Gerassimos Orkoulas, PhD

Photo of Gerassimos Orkoulas• Ding, Y., Zhang, Y., Orkoulas, G., & Christofides (2020). Microscopic modeling and optimal operation of plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition. Chemical Engineering Research and  Design, 159, 439-454.

• Saha, D., Toof, B., Krishna, R., Orkoulas, G., Gismondi, P., Thorpe, R., & Comroe, M. (2020). Separation of ethane-ethylene and propane-propylene in Ag(I)-doped and sulfurized  microporous carbon. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 299

Dipendu Saha, PhD

Photo of Dipendu Saha• Saha, D., & Hoinkis, T. J. (2020). Electrospun, flexible and reusable nanofiber mat of graphitic carbon nitride: Photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium. Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 575, 433-442.

• Saha, D., Toof, B., Krishna, R., Orkoulas, G., Gismondi, P., Thorpe, R., & Comroe, M. (2020). Separation of ethane-ethylene and propane-propylene in Ag(I)-doped and sulfurized microporous carbon. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 299

• Saha, D., Richards, C. P., Haines, R. G., D’Allesandro, N. D., Kienbaum, M. J., & Griffaton, C. A. (2019). Competitive adsorption of lead in sulfur and iron dual-doped mesoporous carbons, Molecules, 25, 403.

• Saha, D., Visconti, M. C., Desipio, M. M., & Thorpe, R. (2019). Inactivation of antibiotic resistance genes by ternary nanocomposites of carbon nitride, reduced graphene oxide and iron oxide under visible light. Chemical Engineering Journal, 382, 1-10.

Civil Engineering

Vicki L. Brown, PhD, PE

Photo of Vicki Brown• Benmokrane, B., Brown, V. L., Mohamed, K., Nanni, A., Rossini, M. & Shield, C. K. (2019). Creep rupture limit for GFRP Bars subjected to sustained loads. ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 23(6), 06019001-1 - 06019001-7. 

• Shield, C.K., Brown, V. L., Bakis, C. K. & Gross, S. (2019). A recalibration of the crack width bond factor for GFRP - Reinforced concrete. ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 23(4), 04019020-1 -04019020-8. 

Ronald L. Mersky, BSE, MSE, PhD, PE, BCEE

Photo of Ronald Mersky• DiMaria, F., Sisania, F., El-Hoz, M., & Mersky, R. L. (2020). How collection efficiency and legal constraints on digestate management can affect the effectiveness of anaerobic digestion of bio-waste: An analysis of the Italian context in a life cycle perspective. Science of the Total Environment, 726. 

• DiMaria, F., Sisania, F., Contini, S., Ghosh, S. K., & Mersky, R. L. (2020). Is the policy of the European Union in waste management sustainable? An assessment of the Italian context. Waste Management, 32, 437-448.

• DiMaria, F., Sisania, Norouzi, O., & Mersky, R. L. (2019) The effectiveness of anaerobic digestion of bio-waste in replacing primary energies: An EU28 case study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 108, 347-354.

Po-Yen Wang, PhD

Photo of Po-Yen Wang• Wang, J., Shih, Y., Wang, P. Y., Yu, Y. H., Su, J. F., & Huang, C. P. (2019). Hazardous waste treatment technologies. Water Environment Research, 91(10), 1177-1198.  

Xiaochao Tang, PhD, PE

Photo of Xiaochao Tang• Yang, M., Tang, X., and Wu, Z. (2020). Slip surface and active Earth pressure of cohesionless narrow backfill behind rigid retaining walls under translation movement mode. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(8), 1-13.

Mechanical Engineering

Babak Eslami, PhD

Photo of Babak Eslami• Damircheli, M. & Eslami, B. (2019). Enhancing phase contrast for bimodal AFM imaging in low qualityfactor environment. Ultramicroscopy, 204, 18-26.

• Ehsanipour, M., Damircheli, M., & Eslami, B. (2019). Effect of cantilevers’ dimensions on phase contrast in multifrequency atomic force microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique, 82(9), 1438–1447.

• Eslami, B. & Damircheli, M. (2019). Biharmonic versus bimodal AFM: Numerical and experimental study on soft matter. Journal of Applied Physics, 126(9)

• Pierre, R.; Eslami, B., & Bergbreiter, S. (2019). Ground reaction force sensing in Milligram-Scale Legged microrobots. Transducers & Eurosensors XXXIII. 

• Putnam, J. & Eslami, B. (2020).  Controllable surface damage by AFM – Imaging with higher 
eigenmodes and its advantages. Imaging & Microscopy, 2, 24. Persistent Link:

Kamran Fouladi, PhD, PE

Photo of Kamran Fouladi• Fouladi, K., & Schaadt, J. (2020). A simulation-based approach to data center thermal efficiency optimization. ASME Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities, 1(1).

• Petrongolo, J., Nemati, K., & Fouladi, K. (2020). Simulation-based assessment of performance indicator for data center cooling optimization. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 12(5).