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Widener University Faculty Authors 2022 - 2023


Hilary Barnes, PhD, NP-C, FAANP

Photo of Hilary Barnes.• Faraz Covelli, A., & Barnes, H. (2023). Novice nurse practitioners’ employment decisions and role transition experiences during COVID-19. Journal of Professional Nursing, 47,81-87.   

• Barnes, H., Chen, A. J., McHugh, M. D., & Richards, M. R. (2023). Public insurance expansions and labor demand in physician practices. Journal of Human Resources, 58(3).

• Barnes, H., Alexander, D., & Richards, M. R. (2023). Retail health clinic growth as a potential primary care disruptor. Medical Care Research and Review, 80(3), 328-332. 

• Ortiz Pate, N., Barnes, H., Anglin, L., Sanchez, M., Batchelder, H., Everett, C., & Morgan, P. (2023). Physician assistant and nurse practitioner onboarding in primary care: The participant perspective. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 35(2), 122-129. 

• Ortiz Pate, N., Barnes, H., Anglin, L., Sanchez, M., Batchelder, H., Everett, C., & Morgan, P. (2023). PA and NP onboarding in primary care: The participant perspective. JAAPA, 36(2), 1-9.   

• Barnes, H., Faraz Covelli, A., & Rubright, J. D. (2023). A confirmatory factor analysis of the Novice Nurse Practitioner Role Transition Scale. Research in Nursing & Health, 46(1), 127-135.  

• Batchelder, H. R., Tuttle, B., Barnes, H., Faraz Covelli, A., Everett, C., Jackson, G. L., Anglin, L., Ortiz Pate, N., Sanchez, M., & Morgan, P. (2022). Transition-to-practice programs for newly graduated advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants: A scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20(12), 3001-3008.

• Marquis, M., Barnes, H., & Drayton-Brooks, S. (2023, March 23-24). Evaluation of the implementation of a nurse practitioner on the trauma service [Poster presentation]. Eastern Nursing Research Society 35th Annual Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA. In Nursing Research, 72(3), E25-E163.

Mary L. Baumberger-Henry, PhD, RN

Photo of Mary Baumberger-Henry• Baumberger-Henry, M. & Kucirka, B. (2022). Ethical tension in nursing education: A challenge for faculty values and beliefs. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 19(1), 1-11.

Shirlee M. Drayton-Brooks, PhD, FNP-BC, FAANP

Photo of Shirlee Drayton-Brooks • Marquis, M., Barnes, H., & Drayton-Brooks, S. (2023, March 23-24). Evaluation of the implementation of a nurse practitioner on the trauma service [Poster presentation]. Eastern Nursing Research Society 35th Annual Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA. In Nursing Research, 72(3), E25-E163.  

Meg A. Hall, PhD, RN, CCRN

Photo of Meg Hall• Patterson, B., Brewington, J., Krouse, A., & Hall, M. (2022). Building academic leadership capacity through coaching. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(4), 222-227.

Stephanie Jeffers, PhD, RN

Photo of Stephanie Jeffers• Jeffers, S., Black, S. & Alessi, G. (2022). End-of-life nursing education in US baccalaureate degree nursing programs. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(6), E88-E90.

Anne M. Krouse, PhD, MBA, RN-BC

Photo of Anne Krouse• Krouse, A., McLaughlin, K., Rossi, R., Powell, M., Dorn-Black, W., Mariani, B., & Patterson, B. (2022). Nurse administrators experiences of communication, cooperation, coordination, and collaboration during educational disruption. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(5), 272-276. 

• Patterson, B., Brewington, J., Krouse, A., & Hall, M. (2022). Building academic leadership capacity through coaching. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(4), 222-227.

Brenda G. Kucirka, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-CS, CNE

Photo of Brenda Kucirka • Baumberger-Henry, M. & Kucirka, B. (2022). Ethical tension in nursing education: A challenge for faculty values and beliefs. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 19(1), 1-11.

Mary Marquis, MSN, APRN, CRNP

Photo of Mary Marquis• Marquis, M., Barnes, H., & Drayton-Brooks, S. (2023, March 23-24). Evaluation of the implementation of a nurse practitioner on the trauma service [Poster presentation]. Eastern Nursing Research Society 35th Annual Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA. In Nursing Research, 72(3), E25-E163.

Christine A. Pariseault, PhD, RN

Photo of Christine Pariseault• Wright, R., Turchi, C., & Pariseault, C. (2023, March 23-24). Review of characteristics of individuals that request euthanasia [Poster presentation]. Eastern Nursing Research Society 35th Annual Scientific Sessions. Philadelphia, PA. In Nursing Research, 72(3), E25-E163.

• Copel, L. C., Lengetti, E., McKeever, A., Pariseault, C. A., & Smeltzer, S. C. (2022). An uncertain time: Clinical nurses' first impressions during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Research in Nursing & Health, 45(5), 537-548.

• McKay, M. A., Pariseault, C. A., Whitehouse, C. R., Smith, T., & Ross, J. G. (2022). The experience of baccalaureate clinical nursing faculty transitioning to emergency remote clinical teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future. Nurse Education Today, 111, 105309.

• Pariseault, C. A., Whitehouse, C. R., & O'Connor, M. (2023). Exposing undergraduate nursing students to older adults: A qualitative analysis. Nursing Education Perspectives.

Barbara J. Patterson, PhD, ANEF, FAAN

Photo of Barbara Patterson• Patterson, B., & Forneris, S. G. (2023). Faculty as learners: Neuroscience in action. Journal of Nursing Education, 62(5), 291-297.

• Chargualaf, K., Patterson, B., Elliott, B., Sikes, D., Song, H., & Armstrong, M. (2023). Faculty perspectives of teaching and facilitating learning transfer in Veteran Bachelor of Science Nursing programs. Journal of Professional Nursing, 44(2023), 54-61.  

• Patterson, B., Rogers, M., Forneris, S. G., & Allard, P. (2022). The feasibility of Accelerating to Practice™ curriculum for senior baccalaureate nursing students’ capstone experience. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(6), 369-371.

• Patterson, B., & Forneris, S. (2023). Moving beyond the facts: It is time to rethink the practice of teaching [Editorial]. Nursing Education Perspectives, 44(3), 139.

• Krouse, A., McLaughlin, K., Rossi, R., Powell, M., Dorn-Black, W., Mariani, B., & Patterson, B. (2022). Nurse administrators experiences of communication, cooperation, coordination, and collaboration during educational disruption. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(5), 272-276.

• Patterson, B., Elliott, B., & Chargualaf, K. (2022). Launching a successful program of research in nursing education [Editorial]. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(6), 341-342.  

• Patterson, B., Brewington, J., Krouse, A., & Hall, M. (2022). Building academic leadership capacity through coaching. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(4), 222-227.

Rose Rossi, PhD, MBA, RN

Photo of Rose Rossi• Krouse, A., McLaughlin, K., Rossi, R., Powell, M., Dorn-Black, W., Mariani, B., & Patterson, B. (2022). Nurse administrators experiences of communication, cooperation, coordination, and collaboration during educational disruption. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(5), 272-276.

Susan M Schwartz, PhD, RN

Photo of Susan Schwartz.• Schwartz, S. & Silva, A. (2023, March 28-April 1). Cultural competence in caring for victims of sex trafficking: Understanding the unique needs, barriers, and challenges of survivors [Poster presentation]. CONAA Council on Nursing & Anthropology Abstracts, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Anthropology, Cincinnati, OH. In Global Qualitative Nursing Research, (10), 1-5.