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Grad Student Summer Camp

photo of a campfire with text reading Grad School Summer Camp

Welcome Back to Camp!

Greetings campers...are you ready to relive camp? Use this guide to refer back to the recorded sessions. Also check out our other linked guides and resources for additional help. 

Please contact us if you have additional questions.

Camp Schedule

July 6th: Getting Started

Sure you can jump right into searching databases, but taking a few minutes to get yourself organized will save you time and headaches in the future! This session will cover generating keywords, understanding subject headings, using Boolean operators to their fullest, where to get help, and more! 


July 13th: Database Searching 

In this session, we will cover how to find the right database for your research, tips on how best to use them, what you can find in an article record, and how to save your work. You can expect an in-depth explanation of keyword searching, utilizing limiters, tips on discovering more resources on your topic, and more.  


July 20th: Evaluating Sources 

It can be hard to tell what information on the internet is legit - fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy can lurk in every corner. This session will demonstrate how to evaluate what you find, from Facebook posts to academic journal articles, so you have confidence in the accuracy of your sources. These skills will prepare learners for academic research and information gathering in their daily lives. 


July 27th: APA Workshop

Need help with APA citation style? In this interactive workshop you will learn basic and advanced forms for APA 7th Edition citation style. You will also receive valuable resources to guide you in the future. 


August 3rd: RefWorks & Zotero

Citation management tools like Refworks and Zotero can help you keep your research organized as well as help with learning APA citation style. This session will walk you through the subscription tool RefWorks and the free tool, Zotero and cover what they are, how to set up your account, how to import citations, and how to generate reference lists.