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Gamification in Education

This guide provides access to resources on gamification in Education

Gamification in Education


Game: an activity, structured with a set of rules, which actively engages the player or players in attempting to achieve an end goal.

-- Crowe, S. & Sclippa, E. (Eds). (2020). Games and gamification in academic libraries. Association of College & Research Libraries.

Gamification: the process of incorporating elements of gameplay in non-game situations.

-- Crowe, S. & Sclippa, E. (Eds). (2020). Games and gamification in academic libraries. Association of College & Research Libraries.

Content Gamification: the application of game elements, game mechanics, and game thinking to alter content, making it more game-like.

-- Kapp, K. (2014). Gamification of learning [Video Course]. LinkedIn Learning.

Structural Gamification: the application of game elements to propel a learner through content with no alteration or changes to the content.

-- Kapp, K. (2014). Gamification of learning [Video Course]. LinkedIn Learning.