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Dissertation Submission Requirements & Procedures

Widener University's formatting requirements and procedure for submitting your dissertation to ProQuest for inclusion in the Digital Dissertations Database

The library provides access to many resources for finding dissertations:

  • Library Catalog - The Library Catalog lists print Widener Dissertations, completed from 1987 - 2019, that are held in the library.
  • Widener University Digital Repository - This collection includes the full text of Widener Dissertations and Theses completed from Spring 2020 - Present.
  • Dissertations & Theses @ Widener University - This database provides access to Widener Dissertations and Theses completed from 1987 - Present.  Note: Widener works published after 1997 are available in Full Text
  • Digital Dissertations -  This database provides access to dissertations produced at universities worldwide, published from 1861 - Present. Note:  Searching for titles published in the last 10 years returns more full text publications.
  • Full Text Dissertations from other Universities -  Search institutional repositories to find full text dissertations by authors at other universities.

Finding Dissertations

The library has all dissertations by Widener students completed from 1987 - 2019 in print.

  • Members of the Widener Community can check out dissertations at the library. Stop by the front desk for help.
  • Non-affiliated researchers with access to Interlibrary Loan services, can request dissertations through Interlibrary Loan. They will receive the dissertation as a PDF (if available) or in print.
  • Non-affiliated researchers without access to Interlibrary Loan services, can call Widener's Resource Sharing Department at 610-499-4070 to request a PDF of the dissertation,

Finding Print Dissertations

To find print dissertations, search the Library Catalog:

  1. From the Library's Home Page, scroll down to Additional Resources & Research Tools.
  2. Select Library Classic Catalog.
  3. Click on Advanced Search.
  4. In the Advanced Search boxes enter any keywords (Example: trauma and stress) then add Widener University as an author (be sure to change the dropdown field to Author. Widener is listed as an author for all Widener Dissertations).

Advanced Search in Library Classic Catalog

The Brief Record

The Title, Author, and date of completion are listed for each search result.

Click View Details to open the record. 


The Detailed Record

  • The record lists the title, author and publication date of the dissertation.
  • If you see: Connect to online dissertations, Available on the World Wide Web to Widener University students, faculty and staff it allows members of the Widener Community and researchers, who have access to ProQuest Dissertations database, to access the full text of this work.
  • Call Number: The call number is listed. Use this to find the dissertation in the library.
  • Related Subjects: These terms were assigned to this dissertation. By clicking on them, or using them as keywords in another search, you can obtain similar items.

Dissertation catalog record

Widener University Dissertations & Theses completed from Spring 2020 through the present are available electronically in full-text through this collection, a few dissertations completed in 2019 are also included. The collection features doctoral dissertations for Clinical Psychology, Education, Human Sexuality, Nursing, and Social Work; Doctor of Nursing Practice Capstone Projects and Master of Engineering Theses.

View by Department

Click on the hyperlinked departments to obtain the scholarly works:

Doctoral Dissertations Doctor of Nursing Practice Capstone Projects Master's Theses
Clinical Psychology Nursing Practice Engineering
Human Sexuality    
Social Work    

Search Instructions

Use the search box (on the upper right of each page)  to search by keywords, author, title, department, or subject.

Ex: Search for the dissertation by Hnosko, Ayrin L.

Blue Search Box with the name Hnosko, Ayrin L. and a while magnifine glass icon.


The Brief Record

Displays the title, author, department and date for this dissertation.

*Notice the that Department and Subjects terms are hyperlinked.  Click on these links to obtain similar items.

This database provides Full Text access to all works published after 1997.

Navigate to Dissertations & Theses @ Widener University

Wolfgram Memorial Library Homepage A to Z Database ListDissertations & Theses @ Widener University

The Search Screen

  • Select Advanced Search.
  • Enter keyword(s), title and/or the author of the publication to begin.
  • To search within a specific department (field of study), change the search field to department and then add the specific department.

Example: This example is searching for the keyword Trauma, limiting to works published from the Department of Social Work.

Advanced search for dissertations

The Brief Record

  • The title, author and date of publication for each dissertation is listed for each dissertation. 
  • The access options are also listed for each dissertation. 
  • Use the filters on the left navigation to filter the Date Range and Subject.

ProQuest dissertations search results page


The Detailed Record

  • Abstract/Details - Select this option to obtain all the metadata for the dissertation, use these details to find additional titles.
  • Download PDF  - Click on this link to download the full dissertation.
  • Related Items - This list provides links to related dissertations in this database, other ProQuest dissertations and in other resources.

ProQuest dissertations record page


  • This database provides access to dissertations and theses published at universities worldwide. 

  • Many titles are available in full text and others provide a 24-page preview.

  • Note - Searching for titles published in the last 10 years returns more full text dissertations.

Navigate to Digital Dissertations

Wolfgram Memorial Library Homepage A to Z Database ListDigital Dissertations

The Search Screen

  • Enter keyword(s), the title, and/or author of the publication.
  • You also have the option to search by the Advisor, University/Institution, or Subject Headings.

Example: This example is searching for the keywords Homelessness and Qualitative Study.

This image shows the search screen of Digital Dissertations with red circles around the keywords, homelessness and qualitative study.

Brief Record 

  • Use the left navigation to filter results by Date Range, Subject, or University/Institution
  • Each listed dissertation will include access options like Preview - PDF (can view the first several pages), Full Text Finder (search for the dissertation in another database), or Full Text - PDF (open the entire PDF).

Dissertation search results list.



The Detailed Record


  • Abstract/Details - Select this option to obtain all the metadata for the dissertation, use these details to find additional titles.
  • Download PDF  - Click on this link to download the full dissertation.
  • Suggested Sources - This list provides links to related dissertations in this database and in other resources.

Dissertation record display page

To find dissertations and theses produced by students at institutions other than Widener University, you must know institution where the work was published.  To obtain that information:

  • Search for a title in Google Scholar to see what information you can obtain, a link to the full text may be available.
  • Search for the title in Digital Dissertations with the title of the work.
  • Select Advanced Search. and you will discover the name of the University that produced the dissertation.
  • You may discover at link to theFull Text.  Note:  Many dissertations published during the most recent 10 years are available here in full text.

Example: Search for the dissertation title - Understanding Patterns of Emotion Perception and Expression Across Cultures.  Change the field to Document title- TI.
Search Screen

The Advances Search screen with the title in the first box and a red square around the field Document title - TI.

  • Obtain the name of the institution from the brief record and see if the full text is available from this database.

Brief Record

The brief record shows that the title is in the database and there is a red box around the name of the university and the words preview available,

The brief records shows bibliographic information for this dissertation, indicating that it was published at the University of Michigan.  It reveals that only a preview, not the full text, is available here.

  • Search OpenDoar, A Global Directory of Open Access Repositories, to see if the University of Michigan has an institutional repository that provides full text access to their dissertations.

Search Screen

 Welcome to OpenDOAR  OpenDOAR is the quality-assured, global Directory of Open Access Repositories. You can search and browse through thousands of registered repositories based on a range of features, such as location, software or type of material held. Try it out for yourself:  University of Michigan is in the serach box and two repositores are listed.

  • When an entry for the university you search appears, this indicates that it has a repository that may offer full text dissertations.
  • Select Deep Blue at the University of Michigan and the next page indicates that The University has 2 repositories, but Deep Blue provides dissertations.

This site hosts two repositories. The first, currently running on DSpace, is the institution's documents repository and provides access to the publications output of the institution. The second, running on Fedora, is a data repository for digital research data developed or used in the process of research activities at the institution. Both can be accessed via the URL given below. A red box is around documents repository and Theses and Dissertations in tthe Content Types list.


Search Box labeled DEEP BLUE with the words Seach Deep Blue and the first words of the title Understanding Patterns visible in the search box.

  • In the search box, enter the dissertation title:  Understanding Patterns of Emotion Perception and   Expression Across Cultures
  • Then select Go



Brief Record

The record shows the full dissertation title, author, date of publication and some words from the abstract with a red square around the PDF icon at the bottom.

Detailed Record

This detailed record inclues the title, author, date of the publication and some words from the abstract.  A red box is around the PDF Full Text link.

  • The detailed record includes the same metadata as the previous record, but when you select View/Open you can download the full 117 page PDF document.


  • Search to see if a direct link to the PDF full text is available from an institutional repository..
  • Search for the title -  Understanding Patterns of Emotion Perception and Expression Across Cultures.
  • You obtain a link to the full text in the University of Michigan's Deep Blue repository:Results from Google search show words from the title... - Deep Blue.  A red box is around the url and includes the author's name and PDF.
    • Notice that the URL at the top is - A link to the institutional repository.  You also see the author's last name and PDF,  indicating that the full text in available.
    • By clicking on the title, you obtain the full 117 page PDF document to download.