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Scholarly Communication

Scholarly communication is the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use (ACRL, 1996-2021).

Scholarly Publishing Header

Scholarly publishing is the process of creating scholarly content and sharing it with the scholarly community. One of the fundamental purposes of scholarly publishing is to facilitate inquiry and the creation of new knowledge. Most scholars pursue their research and share their results with little or no expectation of receiving financial compensation for their work.

The Scholarly Publishing Lifecycle

Scholarly publishing is a cyclical process.  Steps in the process include: Creation, Evaluation, Publication, Dissemination and Access, Preservation, and Reuse.

Publication Cycle: Creation, Evaluation, Publication, Dissemination and Access, Preservation, and Reuse.

Scholarly Publishing Tools

There are a number of different scholarly publishing models, including traditional outlets like journals, books, and conference proceedings.  There are also emerging digital outlets like social media, blogs, wikis, and professional websites.  

Which scholarly publishing outlet you choose will depend on a number of factors including your field of study, the audience you wish to reach, and  what type of research you are engaged in.

The Periodical Table of Digital Research Tools from the Florida State University can help you find the perfect tool for displaying, organizing, and disseminating your research.

Periodic Table of Digital Research Tools