Watch the video below to learn how to evaluate information online.
When searching the internet for resources, it is important to evaluate the various aspects of the website and it's content to ensure the site is presenting accurate and true information. So, how do you evaluate web pages? It's easy! Just use the C.R.A.A.P. test!
The C.R.A.A.P test is a simple way to evaluate a website using 5 different categories: Currency, Relevancy, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. Below you will find questions to ask for each category to determine if the website is credible and appropriate for your research.
Currency refers to the timeliness of the information.
Relevance refers to the importance of the information to your topic
Authority refers to the source of the information
Accuracy refers to the reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.
Purpose refers to the reason the information exists.
Not sure where to start?
Also when evaluating websites, consider the following: